Tuesday 1 April 2014

Recipe | Rhubarb Curd

First I had to juice the rhubarb. You need 600ml of the juice.

My juicer couldn't cope with processing rhubarb, it left a wet pulp behind. My Juicer is by Phillips and is usually pretty good but the rhubarb was so fibrous that I removed the rhubarb pulp from the pulp container on the juicer and pushed it through a metal sieve. This was definitely worth doing as I gained an extra 150ml of juice.

The juice was a pale brown pink with a green foam / scum. I wasn't sure if I should skim the top or not so I did, just in case it dirtied the colour of the finished rhubarb curd.


600g Rhubarb
(250ml Rhubarb Juice plus 100-200ml more to add once cooked)

4 Large Eggs

200g Butter

4tsp Cornflour 

175g Caster Sugar

Splash of beetroot juice (for colour)

Place the eggs, butter, cornflour, sugar and 250ml rhubarb juice (save the rest) to a pan and set over a very low heat. I used a large heavy bottomed saucepan on a small gas ring.

Whisk until all the butter has melted, then use a spatula and stir and keep stirring, scraping the bottom and sides of the saucepan until the curd has thickened to a consistency a little thicker than custard. 

Do not increase the heat or you will curdle the eggs. Do not let the curd catch.

Sieve the curd into a clean bowl to get rid of any lumps or curdled bits, I passed it through a fine muslin. 

Then mix in 100ml more of the thubarb juice and a small splash of beetroot 

Once cooled, taste your curd and add more rhubarb juice if it needs it. This is to your own palette.

The curd will keep, stored in the fridge, for about a week.

I wasn't pleased with this recipe, although I think it was mainly the rhubarb I bought as it wasn't very tart and didn't have much flavour.

I will try this again and look into how I can improve it.